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Do your customers get the best experience at their worst time?

How to have Heart Helpful Conversations

Whether the customer’s call, email or visit is to inform you of a change in circumstances because someone has died or they just happen to need to talk you on the day they’ve been told their child has cancer and are therefore emotionally fragile, what your team member says next can have huge consequences.

How confident are you that everyone in your organisation is equipped with the right responses?

Not just the bereavement team (if you have one) or the customer service people - everyone who interacts with customers in any way makes an impact.

If you have a Specialist team how easy is it to contact them directly?

How grief friendly is your website?  
Your processes?
Your IVR?

Discover which words and actions mean a positive customer experience (and avoid a PR disaster for you!)

There was an old adage that said if a customer was happy they’d tell someone else but if they were unhappy they’d tell ten. That was before social media. Now they tell thousands who share it with thousands more.

Given every client or prospect interaction is potentially with someone who is experiencing significant emotional loss right then, every team member needs to be ready and able to be Heart Helpful. Using language and actions that are supportive, empathetic and human –all skills that can be learned but are rarely taught. This is why we’ve created Heart Helpful workshops and resources.

What is Heart Helpful?

Using language and actions that are supportive, empathetic and human – all skills that can be learned but are rarely taught. This is why we’ve created Heart Helpful workshops and resources.

How to Have Heart Helpful Conversations

3 hour live, interactive workshop for businesses, charities and the public sector

Practical and pragmatic you will not find anything “fluffy” in this programme. Your delegates will leave armed with tools for better interactionwith customers, colleagues, friends and family.”

Practical tips on what to say and do that can be easily implemented immediately
On site or live streamed
Tailored to your operating environment
Delivered by a Grief Specialist with lived experience both with personal loss and working with grieving people.
Workbook that acts as reference guide afterwards Understanding feelings tool
Completion Certificates for each delegate
Heart Helpful Logo for your website*
Optional Heart Helpful plaque for your building /office


Book a call with Ian to find out more